~.UcClient.~ Mobile Settings

~.UcClient.~ Mobile Settings #

  • Mobile

Once you are authenticated, ~.UcClient.~ mobile automatically configures itself to connect back to the ~.Dimensions.~ platform to provide simple communications wherever you are.

The settings available are not required for day to day use, but may be necessary for support purposes.

SIP Connection Settings #

The username, password and domain can be override on a temporary basis for testing purposes.

Document note
Any changes to the SIP registration will be overwritten the next time the application loads.

Advanced #

If prompted to by a support technician, you may be required to use one or more of the features below.

Authenticate in background

Clear auth token

Resets the authentication details stored to allow connection to a new region.

Clear all App Data

Clears all stored application data, resetting to defaults.