~.UcClient.~ Desktop Settings

~.UcClient.~ Desktop Settings #

  • Web Edition
  • Windows

Local ~.UcClient.~ settings allow the user to customise key features as well as accessing diagnostic information.

Document note
These settings apply the Windows and Web Edition clients. however, only a subset of feautres are currently available on the Web Edition client. where settings are applicable to the Web Edition client, they will marked as (Windows Only)
Color Wand tip
To change the avatar image for the signed in user, use the User Settings option from the user menu.

General #


The region selector is only available when there is no user logged into ~.UcClient.~. The region should default automatically based on location but can be changed if required.

Document note
Web Edition - The region is controlled via the launch URL


Select one of the supported languages to be used in the ~.UcClient.~ UI.

Document note
Web Edition - The language is controlled by the browser configuration.

Startup/Shutdown (Windows Only) #

Launch on startup

This setting controls whether ~.UcClient.~ will be automatically started when the logging into Windows. When enabling this setting, a Windows prompt will ask for confirmation from the user.

Softphone prompt1

The softphone prompt allows the user to select which mode ~.UcClient.~ should run in on startup. If disabled, ~.UcClient.~ will automatically run in which ever mode was enabled when it was shutdown.

Document note
Web Edition runs in softphone mode permanently.

~.UcClient.~ can be configured to automatically change presence when it is closed or when the computer is locked.

Set presence on exit

Automatically change presence when the application is closing. When enabled, the user can choose a specific presence on select 'Prompt' to ask the user during the shutdown process.

Color Wand tip
This feature relies on a graceful application shutdown with a still live network connection.

Set presence on lock

Automatically apply a specific presence when the computer is locked. ~.UcClient.~ will automatically revert the presence when the computer is unlocked.

Information Circle info
The original presence will be restored when the computer is unlocked.

Display Control (Windows Only) #

To avoid issues with Windows power modes and screen savers, ~.UcClient.~ can request that the computer does not go to sleep or turn off the display.

Whilst on a call

When this is enabled, ~.UcClient.~ will request that the operating system does not turn the display off whenever a call is in progress. By default, this is enabled.

When softphone is enabled

When this setting is enabled, ~.UcClient.~ will request that the operating system does not turn the display off whenever the softphone is enabled.

Softphone (Windows Only) #

NAT1 #

When registering as a softphone, the ~.UcClient.~ client may need to provide the server with additional network information in order for the server to be able to communicate back to ~.UcClient.~ successfully.

Hand Left warning
Where possible, please disable any SIP ALG implementation on routers between the user and the communications server to prevent SIP requests being modified.

Auto-detect NAT using ICE

This is the default setting for NAT on ~.UcClient.~ and will work in most implementations. When enabled, ICE will be used to automatically discover the most optimized path to route media traffic.

Discover public IP address using STUN2

If available, a STUN server can be used to help discover the public IP address for the softphone which will then be used in softphone registration requests.

Use media relay using TURN2

If available, a TURN server can be used to relay media between the server and the softphone.


Selecting 'None' will disable any NAT configuration, registrations will be made with the server with no additional public IP information.

Information Circle info
The NAT settings required will different depending on the Network, Router, Internet Connection and Firewall involved in the user's setup.

Audio1 #

Speaker & Microphone

These settings control the audio input and output devices for softphone calls. The speaker and microphone settings can be updated manually as required.

If a previously selected audio device is not currently available, ~.UcClient.~ will automatically select the most appropriate device to use for softphone calls, automatically defaulting to a device labeled as a 'Headset' where possible.

Color Wand tip
If a previously selected audio source is not connected, the drop-down will show empty.

Ringing Speaker

The ringing speaker setting controls where the ringing audio for incoming calls will be played. Once the call has been answered, the audio will switch to the configured 'Speaker' device as normal.

This feature is ideal for users with headsets, helping to ensure they are alerted to incoming calls if they are not wearing their headset or are away from their desk.

Presence #

This section provides access to override the default configuration of each presence profile if required.

For exact details on the configuration, please refer to the Presence section.

Color Wand tip
A specific presence can automatically be applied when ~.UcClient.~ is shutdown or the computer is locked.

Integration #

This section provides access to control features where ~.UcClient.~ is integrating with 3rd party applications.

Outside Number to Clipboard (Windows Only) #

This feature provides users with a simple way to search for contacts in a CRM or contact directory. When enabled, ~.UcClient.~ will populate the local clipboard with the current call's Outside Number. The user can then paste the number into whichever application they require in order to perform a contact search.

Copy Outside Number to Clipboard

This setting toggles the feature on or off (default - off).

Call State Trigger

When the feature is enabled, select whether the Caller ID is copied to the Clipboard on ringing or on answered events (default - ringing).

Call Direction

This setting controls whether the Caller ID should be copied to the Clipboard on incoming calls, outgoing calls or both (default incoming).

Document note
Existing clipboard data will be lost when this feature is used.

Custom Screen Pop #

To help with integration with third-party applications, ~.UcClient.~ provides a method to screen pop a URL using details of your current call. The screen pop can be configured to occur automatically based on a call ringing or answered event, or manually using a Keyboard Shortcut.

Please refer to the Screen Pop feature for details on configuration.

Busylight (Windows Only) #

~.UcClient.~ provides support for the Kuando Busylight. Busylight devices provide a visual indication of availability to other users you work with. This can be very handy for when using a headset where it may not be obvious whether you are on a call or not.

~.UcClient.~ will update the colour of any connected Busylight to match the availability of the logged in user.

For more information, please refer to the Kuando website.

Color Wand tip
This section is only available if the Do Not Disturb, Call Forwarding and Personal Routing features of presence profiles is available on you system.

Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows Only) #

~.UcClient.~ provides keyboard shortcuts for commonly used actions. This allows quick and easy access, without having to use the mouse or navigate the user interface.

To enable a specific shortcut, toggle the switch next to it and then select a key and modifier combination, e.g. Ctrl-D.


A key on its own cannot be used without at least 1 modifier (Alt, Control, Shift or Windows). To enforce this, ~.UcClient.~ will gray out the current modifier if there is only 1, so that it cannot be unselected. To switch modifiers, select the new modifier before unselecting the previous one.

Available Actions

Action Description Default Softphone Only
Answer Call Answer the currently alerting call
Clear Call Clears down the currently active call. This can be used to 'Decline' a incoming ringing call
Highlight & Dial This feature can be used to dial numbers from other applications. Simply highlight a number in any application and press the configured shortcut keys on the keyboard Ctrl-D
Hold / Retrieve Toggle the current call between in-progress and on-hold
Redial Redial the last number dialled from the client
Custom Screen Pop Load a web browser for a screen pop of the current call. See Custom Screen Pop for more details.
Color Wand tip
Some actions only work when running ~.UcClient.~ in softphone mode. Check the table above for more details.

About #

The following details provide information which may be used when diagnosing problems.

Detail Description
Version The current version of ~.UcClient.~ installed.
Publisher The publisher of the application.
Tenant Id The tenant Id for the customer account ~.UcClient.~ is connected to.
Username Currently logged in user name.
User Id Currently logged in user Id.
User email Currently logged in user email.

Diagnostics #

The following settings control aspects of ~.UcClient.~ diagnostics. Users may be asked to modify these as part of a support investigation.

Maximum log size

The maximum individual log file size allowed before a new file is created. Default - 10MB.

Time to live

The amount of time diagnostics logs are kept, before they are automatically deleted. Default - 14 Days.


View -> Open File Explorer to the location of the ~.UcClient.~ diagnostics logs.

Upload -> Zip and upload logs to the server for analysis.

Color Wand tip
Viewing logs will open the root ~.UcClient.~ 'LocalState' folder. The current day's logs are the 'logs' sub-folder, previous days' logs can be found in the 'logsarchive' folder.

  1. Softphone related settings are only available if the logged in user has the necessary licensing and configuration on the server. ↩︎

  2. STUN & TURN services are not provided natively by ~.UcClient.~ and need to be provisioned separately. ↩︎