Getting Started

Getting Started #

  • Web Edition
  • Windows

Sign In #

To use a ~.UcClient.~ client, you need to be signed in with a ~.Dimensions.~ user account.

Enter your ~.Dimensions.~ username (email address) and password, or use your Google/Microsoft credentials to complete the login process.


Color Wand tip
You should have received a Welcome email with details of your user credentials. If you have not received that, please contact your IT administrator.
Information Circle info
If you are having problems signing in, check with an administrator that your ~.Dimensions.~ user has the appropriate permissions.
Information Circle info
To login using Google or Microsoft authentication, the email address on your ~.Dimensions.~ user account needs to match your Google/Microsoft account address.

Desktop (Web Edition / Windows) #

The image below provides an overview of the various features of ~.UcClient.~ that are available once signed in.


Mobile #
