~.UcClient.~ Clients

~.UcClient.~ Clients #

~.UcClient.~ clients provide users with access to control over their phone, including access to call history, voicemail, contacts and where available softphone features.

Document note
Access to ~.UcClient.~ clients is licence controlled. If there is no reference to client permissions in the portal, access to ~.UcClient.~ clients are not enabled.

Client Types #

The table below outlines the different ~.UcClient.~ clients which are available, a brief description and a link to the client's dedicated documentation:

Client Description Documentation Links
~.UcClient.~ Desktop Desktop unified communications client supported on Windows 10 & 11. Docs
~.UcClient.~ CRM Embedded CRM clients supported in Salesforce & Microsoft Dynamics 365 Docs

Giving Users Access #

Access to ~.UcClient.~ clients is controlled via user permissions. For details on the specific permissions, refer to the Users configuration area.